Dr. Jan Wilkens
Foto: ©UHH/Esfandiari
Senior Researcher
CLICCS Synthesis Project
- Climate governance
- Middle East climate politics
- Climate justice
- Energy transition
October 2018
PhD Universität Hamburg, International Relations
Dissertation: “Translocal activism and the Syrian struggle in global politic” Committee: Antje Wiener, Fawaz Gerges, Klaus Schlichte, Passed with Summa cum laude
September 2012
MSc School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London
MSc Middle East Politics, Thesis: “The Syrian “crisis” as a new moment of Global Constitutionalism – An early IR perspective on constitutionalisation beyond the West” (passed with distinction), Advisor: Arshin Adib-Moghaddam
September 2011
BA Universität Hamburg
History, Culture and Languages of the Near and Middle East, Thesis: “A “new” Pan-Arabism – an analysis of recent addresses of Bashar al-Assad (very good, 1,0), Minored in Political Science
August 2010-February 2011
Higher Language Institute, Damascus, Syria
Standard Arabic Regular Courses Program
Überseestipendium, Research funding to conduct field work in Lebanon
Shortlist International Affairs Centenary Award
Article Researching climate justice: a decolonial approach to global climate governance. International Affairs, 98(1), 125–143. (with Alvine Datchoua-Tirvaudey)
Senior Researcher, Universität Hamburg
Cluster of Excellence “Climate, Climatic Change, and Society” (CLICCS), Synthesis Project
Coordination and editing the annual publication of the Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook. Managing and organizing CLICCS initiatives, events, and networks.
2019 to 2021
PostDoc, Universität Hamburg
Cluster of Excellence “Climate, Climatic Change, and Society” (CLICCS), B2 - Dynamics of Climate Governance: Norms, Contestation, and Policies. Project coordination and researching the effects of regional norm conflicts and contestations on energy security and climate justice in the Mediterranean and Arctic region.
2013 to 2021
Lecturer and Research Associate, Universität Hamburg
Political Science, esp. Global Governance. Teaching, administrative tasks within department such as supervision of undergraduate students, recruitment and selection of students (undergraduate and graduate students), timetabling and preparation of courses for each semester, participate in developing courses and new teaching structures, participate in the institute’s committees, develop relations with organisations outside of the institute and outside of academia.
2013 to 2021
Scientific coordinator, Universität Hamburg
Coordination and organization of lecture series “European Crisis in Global Perspective”
I organised a lecture series with German and international scholars (University of Hamburg, SOAS, LSE, University of Oxford) that critically examined Eurocentric assumptions about the crisis from different research perspectives. This lecture series was open to the public and further allowed students to gain ECTS points by submitting essays on the topics of the lectures.
2012 to 2015
Scientific coordinator, Universität Hamburg
Project Constitutionalism Unbound: Developing Triangulation for International Relations.
The main task was to coordinate a research consortium of 14 participating professors from the School of Law and the Institute for Political Science in Hamburg as well as further participating institutions (WZB, GIGA Hamburg, Hertie School of Governance). In my capacity as a project coordinator, I was substantially involved in developing and writing the main theoretical and methodological concepts of this interdisciplinary group. I further was responsible for the calculation of the project and organized several internal workshops and international conferences in support of the project.
Student Assistant, German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)
As a student research assistant of a team, I conducted research (coding, computer-based word processing, quantitative analysis, mixed methods) on different country reports on the relation between religious norms, violence, and development in the Middle East.
2009 to 2010
Student Assistant, Universität Hamburg
Research assistant and teaching assistant for preparation of courses in the Institute for Political Science at the Chair of Global Governance. Supporting students in tutorial sessions on research techniques, academic writing, and reading academic texts.
I have taught the following undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the University of Hamburg, Political Science. In all courses, I have developed the syllabus and contents and have been responsible for assessments and marking. Classes include conceptual, theoretical, and methodological work with students. I successfully supervised over 15 BA dissertations and co-supervised MA dissertations related to the fields of IR in the Middle East, Social Movements, Postcolonialism, and Climate Governance.
Summer 2021 Postcolonial Theory in International Relations (MA)
Summer 2021 Concepts in International Relations (BA)
Winter 2020 Introduction to Political Science (BA)
Summer 2020 Postcolonialism in International Relations (MA)
Winter 2019 Europe and the Middle East (BA)
Winter 2018 Social Movements in International Politics (BA)
Summer 2018 Postcolonialism in International Relations (BA)
Summer 2018 Introduction to International Relations Theories (BA)
Winter 2017 Global IR and the Postcolonial Challenge (BA)
Winter 2017 The Middle East in International Relations (BA)
Summer 2017 Introduction to International Relations Theories (BA)
Summer 2016 Introduction to International Relations Theories (BA)
Summer 2015 Postcolonialism in International Relations (BA)
Summer 2014 Contentious Politics and International Relations (BA)
Winter 2013 International Relations Theories and the Politics of the Middle East (BA)