Photo: Pixabay/ Arek Socha

Gender & Diversity Program Coordinator

Dr. Sebastian Zubrzycki
Grindelberg 5, Room 1009
20144 Hamburg

Regular online consultation-hours:
on Tuesdays, 09:00-10:00 and
on Fridays, 09:00-10:00
We use ZOOM

Availabilty on phone:
every workday, 09:00-18:00
+49 40 42838 8895

Gender & Diversity Committee

The Gender & Diversity Committee was established in 2019 and serves as a contact point for all CLICCS researchers with questions or problems concerning gender, diversity and family.

The members are:
Dr. Nele Müller
Prof. Dr. Simone Rödder
Prof. Dr. Elisa Schaum
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schmiedl
Dr. Sebastian Zubrzycki

Email us: equality.cliccs.cen"AT"