Good scientific practice
Trust in science is a very valuable asset – and as a research community, CLICCS scientists are keenly aware of the immense importance of adhering to ethical standards and best practices in science. 'Good Scientific Practice' is the cornerstone of CLICCS’ research culture, emphasizing our collective commitment to integrity, reliability, and quality in all research activities.
All members of the cluster are committed to uphold the highest standards regarding data integrity, transparency, and ethical conduct. And CLICCS is dedicated to maintaining the practices outlined in the ‘By laws for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice and Avoiding Scientific Misconduct at Universität Hamburg’ and the ‘Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice’ of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
Handling of research data
Good scientific practice and corresponding DFG guidelines require that generated research data be retained for at least ten years after the end of the project, and that they are published and reported as openly as possible. CLICCS uses research data in a wide variety of forms, such as measurement data, images, video and audio recordings, observation and simulation data, data from surveys, data from commercial enterprises, and software source code.
The CLICCS Data Management guidelines describe how research data management is implemented at CLICCS: project chairs oversee comprehensive data management, ensuring adherence to good scientific practice principles. Collaborating with central and partner institutions and the CLICCS office, appointed data officers perform the associated tasks. Research Data Management at CLICCS is therefore coordinated by a working group consisting of representatives from Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum (DKRZ), Integrated Climate Data Center (ICDC), and Center for Sustainable Research Data Management (RDM Center).