Postdocs / Senior Researchers
Foto: A. Barkhordarian
- Climate Modelling
Foto: private
Foto: privae/Joscha Becker
Foto: hereon
- Extrem-Ereignisse
- Maschinelles Lernen
- Auswirkungen auf Küsten und Gesellschaft
- Naturgefahren
Foto: UHH / Boetcher
- Urban modelling
- Microscale modelling
- Mesoscale modelling
- Precipitation in urban areas
- Urban adaptation to climate change
- Impact of wind turbines on atmospheric flow
- Impact of wind turbines on climate
Foto: MPI-M
Foto: Nicole Burdanowitz
Foto: HZG
Foto: Damania
- The psychology of climate behavior (including beliefs, perceptions, attitudes, and actions)
- Survey experiments and qualitative research
- Improving climate behavior using social interventions
Foto: Martin Döring
- Mensch/Natur-Interaktion
- Klimawahrnehmung
- Küstenforschung
- Wissenschaftsforschung
- Projekt: CLICCS
- Projekt: Klimafit
Foto: Elodie Duyck
- Experimentelle Ozeanographie
Foto: HZG
Foto: private
Foto: private
- Large-scale transport in rivers
- Hydrological change
- Land surface processes and land-atmosphere interactions
- Modelling and validation of the hydrological cycle
- Synergies of observations and climate modelling
- Climate model data bias correction
Foto: Franziska S. Hanf
Foto: privat
Foto: UHH
Foto: MPI-M
Foto: Dr. Hongmei Li
Foto: Astrid Dünkelmann
- Global Environmental Politics; Socio-Environmental Conflicts; Knowledge Politics; Latin America
Foto: private
Foto: M.Mathis
- Carbon dynamics of the coastal ocean at global and regional scales
- Climate extremes and their impacts on marine ecosystems
- Advances in global and regional Earth system modeling
Foto: Johanna Metzger
Foto: private
- Analyse sozialer Felder
- Hochschulorganisationsforschung
Foto: private
Foto: IfM
- Fernerkundung & Assimilation
Foto: UHH
- Sustainable Forest Management
- Small Holder Forestry incl. Community-Based Forest Management
- Community-led Climate Change Adaptation
- Forest Policies and Mechanisms incl. REDD+
- Forest Carbon Markets
- Forest Biodiversity Monitoring
- Forest Resource Assessment
- Linkages between Natural Resources, Philosophy, and Human
Foto: private
Foto: privat
- Climate sciences
- marine biogeochemical cycles
- interplay social and natural aspects in a changing climate
- science communication and knowledge transfer (science in school, teaching, science slam, art and science collaboration)
- visualizing science
Foto: Privat
Foto: IFSH
- Discourses and practices of climate security
- Digital technologies in the governance of climate risks
- Human-nature relationships
Foto: privat
Foto: privat
Foto: private
- root exudate sampling and analysis
- belowground plant-plant interactions
Foto: Joseph Tamale
- Kohlenstoffdynamik in der Arktis
- Stabile Isotope (C & N)
- Flüsse von Treibhausgasen im Boden
- Intakte Pflanze-Boden-Systeme (Mesokosmos)
- Klimakammer-Experimente
Foto: private
Foto: privat
Foto: UHH/Tschötschel
Foto: Caroline Omari Lichuma
- Dynamisches Downscaling in komplexem Gelände
- Modellierung von hydrologischen Prozessen
- Fernerkundung der Kryosphäre
- Monsun-Dynamik extremer Randlagen
- Klimawandel - Auswirkungen und Gesellschaft
Foto: Lizeth Vásconez Navas
- Master in Sustainable Resource Management, TU München, 2017, mit Spezialisierung auf Boden- und Wasserressourcen and Schutz von Waldökosystemen; Masterarbeit: Xylem hydraulic adjustment of Castanea sativa, Pinus sylvestris and Quercus spp. seedlings to air warming and soil drought
- Überwachung und Analyse von bodenhydrologischen Eigenschaften in Hartholz-Auwäldern
- Analyse der Xylem-Saftfluss-Geschwindigkeit von Bäumen in Hartholz-Auwäldern unter unterschiedlichen Bodenfeuchteregimen und meteorologischen Bedingungen
Foto: Malte von Szombathely
Foto: Varpu Heiskanen, Itä-Suomen yliopisto
Foto: ©UHH/Esfandiari
- Climate governance
- Middle East climate politics
- Climate justice
- Energy transition
Foto: Mark Zindorf
Foto: UHH
Foto: private
- High resolution modelling
- Energetics
- Human-climate dynamics
- Multi-scale interactions
- Climate variability