2023 No 1
It’s All Up to Society
1.5-degree Goal of the Paris agreement not in sight. What to do now?
The Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2023 analyzed ten key social drivers, from climate policy and the media to
consumption patterns, together with six physical processes. According to its fi ndings, achieving the 1.5-degree
goal is no longer plausible. What to do now? We spoke with Dr. Anna Pagnone and Dr. Andrés López Rivera, who
co-edited the study. To the article
We need speed!
Climate change, our linear throw-away-society and pollution are all elements of the current polycrisis. The required change can seem too big and too complex to be done quickly – after all, all established models state that it takes at least 30 to 50 years for a paradigm change to take place, often longer. But according to the IPCC reports, we don‘t have much time left. We need big changes now. To the article
Focus on the coastal ocean
The graphic shows the outcomes of the Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2023, a comprehensive CLICCS study. The symbols represent the ten key social drivers on the way to worldwide deep decarbonization that were investigated. To the article