About Synthesis
The CLICCS Synthesis project is responsible for promoting scientific collaboration, synthesizing research findings from across CLICCS and beyond, and for stimulating new research within the cluster that helps answer its overarching question:
- Which climate futures are possible and which are plausible?
The project consists of principal investigators (the CLICCS Spokespersons) and postdoctoral researchers. Interdisciplinary in essence, the Synthesis team performs own research in the context of the outlook, and fosters the projects synthesis by bringing research teams together through a series of events aimed at promoting strong community-building within CLICCS. This is particularly the case for the drafting and writing processes of the Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook. In a nutshell, CLICCS Synthesis’ main initiatives thereby revolve around two main pillars:
- Promote strong scientific networking and community-building
- Coordinate the drafting and writing processes of the Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook
Bundesstr. 53
Room 252
20146 Hamburg