A4 - African and Asian Monsoon Margins
Publications A4
Chairs: Jürgen Böhner (UHH), Gerhard Schmiedl (UHH)
CLICCS-funded Scientists: Burdanowitz, Nicole (UHH), Hasson, Shabeh (UHH)
Team: Bader, Jürgen (MPI-M), Betzler, Christian (UHH), Conrad, Olaf (UHH), D’Agostino, Roberta (MPI-M), Dallmeyer, Anne (MPI-M), Duque-Villegas, Mateo (MPI-M), Gaye, Birgit (UHH), Mustafa Javed (UHH), Freitas Santos, Juliana (UHH), Hubert-Huard, Raphael (UHH), Jungandreas, Leonore (MPI-M), Mikolajewicz, Uwe (MPI-M), Six, Katharina (MPI-M), Schickhoff, Udo (UHH), Specht, Nora (MPI-M)
A4 aims at understanding the dynamics of the African and Asian monsoon margins in response to natural and anthropogenic forcing during the transition from colder to warmer climate, i.e. from glacial to interglacial climate and from the Holocene to the Anthropocene. A4 addresses the threshold behavior of monsoon systems with emphasis on analyzing and modeling the shifts in the monsoonal precipitation regimes, which potentially lead to distinct environmental impacts. A4 explores the spectrum of possible future.