2022 No 1
From Global Doom to Sustainable Solutions
How News Magazines Frame our Future with Climate Change
When it comes to climate change, many people rely on the media to keep informed. But how our future could look like is portrayed in a variety of ways. Journalists create powerful visions that can promote climate-friendly behavior. A team led by Prof. Michael Brüggemann and Dr. Lars Guenther has...
Drawing on Local Climate Knowledge for Adaptation and Protection
In countless regions around the globe, many people’s livelihoods depend on natural resources, and some also face poverty. In such cases, the effects of climate change are especially serious.
In Nepal, Dr. Prem Raj Neupane and Kumar Darjee conducted interviews in 337 households located near six...
Using 3D Images to Better Understand Polar Lows
On December 18, 2002, a massive cold-air front formed in the Arctic Ocean. The icy air blew from the North Pole and across the Arctic sea ice. Over open waters it swelled into a several-hundred-meter-high wall between Greenland and Russia. When this cold dry air meets warm moist air over the...
Tipping Systems
Tipping points aren’t just found in the physical climate system. In societies, too, there can be massive, abrupt and irreversible upheavals, e.g. when widespread dissatisfaction leads to revolutions or escalates into spirals of violence.
We still know too little about the mutual influences...